Wiring and more metal working

Aluminium dash plate

I always had an interest in metal working, I think mainly because you can make something that looks very nice and it will last a lifetime with little care. My last work on the bike was this little metal plate unto which I mounted 4 LED’s indicators.

The plate was mocked up with thin cardstock, then I cut it roughly with a jigsaw, and the final shape was made with an assortment of files. The plate fits so snuggly into the peice that I won’t even have to fastest it (not sure what I’ll do yet, probably glue it from the back to get a clean look).

Because this is not a 100% total restauration, I’m leaving the already present scratches, it gives character, a 35 years old bike needs character.20150325_234912


CB650 custom "dash" with bright LEDs
CB650 custom “dash” with bright LEDs

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