Seat, air intake, wiring

Lots of work done in the last week. I got to cut the frame and seat to try to align it properly but it struck me that i really should drop in the engine to compress the suspension to make sure it levela out the way I want.




Air intake
I really want to make a custom intake and so far this is what I came with. These are two velocity stacks made for a vw. Not sure on the final alignment but I like the look so far.



This is really nice and will make the bike more visible. Again this may not make it in the final form.


Wiring and more metal working

Aluminium dash plate

I always had an interest in metal working, I think mainly because you can make something that looks very nice and it will last a lifetime with little care. My last work on the bike was this little metal plate unto which I mounted 4 LED’s indicators.

The plate was mocked up with thin cardstock, then I cut it roughly with a jigsaw, and the final shape was made with an assortment of files. The plate fits so snuggly into the peice that I won’t even have to fastest it (not sure what I’ll do yet, probably glue it from the back to get a clean look).

Because this is not a 100% total restauration, I’m leaving the already present scratches, it gives character, a 35 years old bike needs character.20150325_234912


CB650 custom "dash" with bright LEDs
CB650 custom “dash” with bright LEDs

Wiring and more



My gauges and brackets are finally done. The results surpassed my expectation. The little bracket was my first time working aluminium sheet and I learned quite a bit from it.

Next will be more aluminium cutting to create the side “triangle” panels. One side will cover the airbox and the other the battery tray.



I’m still dreaming of a custom airbox intake cover but there’s no plan for now.


Started some of the wiring business. I shortened both hand controls’ wire loom by about 6″.


A headlight on/off switch has been added to the headlight bucket to turn it off on purpose.

More stuff done

Headlight bucket

Last night I attacked the headlight bracket. Since I’m using the inverted stock one (it lets me bring the headlight down a lot more) I have to flip the headlights. The bracket needed some dremel action (not shown) to be able to insert the headlight.

I still have the sealed beam unit, but will eventually upgrade to a H4..probably whenever it burns out – I’m not planning on driving at night too much anyway with this bike.

CB650 headlight bracket / bucket
CB650 headlight bracket / bucket

Master cylinder

I received my master cylinder to replaced the very rough looking stock one. Of course I couldn’t let this one sit, I polished the handle and reservoir cover. I still need to buy a new brake line – I don’t want to use the one with 1979 stamped on it!



Street fighter anyone?


CB650 street fighter
CB650 street fighter

Custom bracket for the gauges

This step in the build involve creating a custom brackets to re-align the speedo and tach closer together and parallel to the forks.



I did a cardboard mockup and took some measurement to cut the final plate in 3mm aluminium.

No fancy tools here! A jigsaw and some files will do the trick.





Good enough for the purpose. Still needs more work but a very good start.